Monday, March 8, 2010


Before opening my vintage accessory store, I had no idea of the existence of Etsy. WOW! I was definitely missing out!  They have the most amazing sellers on there. I love to read the spotlight on the different sellers they have.  It's amazing to hear about their stories. It's so inspiring to hear about people who work for corporate America during the day and start their own little business on the side just selling items they either love to make or find at estate sales or garage sales.  This one lady did that and her store just took off! She was able to quit her day job and work from home doing what she loves.  I hope to accomplish sales like hers. Mine has started off slowly and hasn't generated enough income to make up my previous full time job, but I am grateful for my hubby allowing me the opportunity to quit my job while being with my son his last year at home.

Etsy allows you to discover so many talented people in the world too.  I've browsed through a lot of jewelry and I am impressed at the creativity of some people.

Check out my Etsy store online now for some great deals!


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